I have specific criterions on what a perfect breakfast muffin should be. It should be easy to make. It shouldn’’t be overly sweet, but it also shouldn’’t be bland, dry, or dense. And if they can make use of any fruit or vegetables that are in danger of going bad even better! These lovely little muffins hit each of those requirements head on, and are the perfect way to make use of all the citrus varieties we have in season right now. I’’ve used mandarins, tangerines, oranges, …whatever I happen to have piling up in the kitchen. They are light and fluffy, not too overly sweet, and they look adorable with a light glaze and home-made sprinkles that add a burst of color and flavor. This week I happened to have a large bag of Cuties (clementines) that I needed to make use of. That citrus flavor bursting through tastes like Christmas to me, and are a refreshing switch up from all the spice heavy treats we see this time of year. The candied citrus sprinkles are a Bakeology secret – …we top our Orange Creamsicle cupcakes with candied orange zest. Gotta love embellishments that not only look pretty, but taste fantastic. I don’’t think Santa would complain about having a tray of these muffins set out instead of the usual cookies.

Muffin Recipe – (makes approximately 9)

Preheat Oven to 350 F In a medium size bowl mix together:

1/3 cup milk

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 egg 2 tablespoons honey

1/3 cup juice from Cutie (clementine)

1/3 cup brown sugar Zest of one Cutie (clementine)

Once combined mix in:

1 cup flour

1 ½ teaspoon baking powder

¼ teaspoon salt

Bake 10-15 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Glaze Recipe

1 cup powdered sugar

2 tablespoons clementine juice

Stir until combined and smooth.

Zest Topping

Combine the zest of one cutie (clementine) with sugar at a 1:2 ratio (one part zest, 2 parts sugar) Dip the tops of cooled muffins in the glaze and let excess glaze drip off before setting down the muffin. Then top them off with a generous sprinkling of the zest topping.

Enjoy! And Happy Holidays to you!